Tag: Saab
Vexing Questions
Prior to the 2013 Sabah Incursion, the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) was focusing its development into a force capable of all aspects of conventional...
RAP-pers Delight
Developing and operating an Integration Air Defence System (IADS) system is a fiendishly complex exercise. Such systems have two key functions; to help safeguard...
Survival Instinct
From her birth as an independent nation in 1965, Singapore has stressed a strong military as a key to national survival, prosperity and cohesion....
Will the Sun set on Air Superiority?
Japan possesses one of the most capable air forces in the Asia-Pacific alongside the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the United States. Its...
Alternative Options
Whatever the political stance taken on the conduct of air strikes in Iraq and Syria, if they are going to be carried out in...
Thousand Island Dressing
Traditional and non-traditional threats, as well as financial constraints, are pushing Asia Pacific navies to select increasingly modular designs for their corvettes. This is...
Looking For Trouble
Seeing what is over the hill or around the corner is more than a curiosity in military operations. Vast amounts of resources are invested...
Rumble Down Under
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is one of the most well-trained and equipped militaries in the Indo-Pacific region. A steadfast ally of the United...
Protection Racket
Fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft face a plethora of Surface-to-Air and Air-to-Air Missile (SAM/AAM) threats employing radar, infrared and laser guidance. Integrated Self-Protection Systems (ISPS)...
Big Surveillance for Small Platforms
The high performance found in naval surveillance radars equipping large surface combatant is migrating to smaller surface vessels of corvette and Offshore Patrol Vessel...