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Tag: Royal Malaysian Air Force


Keeping Faith with Light Close Air Support

David Oliver - The appeal of light, close air support aircraft endures in a region increasingly worried by the likelihood of returning Daesh fighters adding...
HAL Tejas (India)

Assessing Malaysia’s Light Combat Aircraft Options

Ben Ho - The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) is said to be on the market for a Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) to augment...

Thunder heads towards Nigeria

Nigeria is inching close to being the first export customer of the jointly developed Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and China Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC)...

Greater Potential Pending

The Malaysian Government continues to have ambitious plans for all branches of its armed forces, but more focus needs to be applied to budgetary...

Malaysian Air Force looks for affordable solution to fighter unavailability

The Royal Malaysian Air Force is suffering major availability issues with two of its three main frontline types. These problems afflict the ten Russian-supplied...

Keeping Them Flying and Effective

New helicopters, to maintain effectiveness, need a planned upgrade path - something that the Royal Australian Navy is addressing early. Older aircraft may swap...

Malaysia Tightens Its Belt

Given Malaysia’s ongoing fiscal limitations and the continuing depreciation of the national currency, it is expected that the Malaysian Armed Forces will not make...

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