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Tag: RoKN

amphibious forces

Amphibious Forces

Amphibious warfare has existed as a pillar of western military strategy since World War II, particularly after the experience of the U.S. Marine Corps...

South Korea commissions first SLBM-capable KSS-III-class submarine

The Republic of Korea Navy (RoKN) has commissioned its first locally made, submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM)-capable diesel-electric attack submarine at the facilities of Daewoo...

South Korea KDDX programme kicks off

South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has commenced bidding processes for the basic design a new guided missile destroyer for the Republic of...

Frigates fill the Maritime Gap

While the budget for large capital ships is hard to find in the Asia Pacific region, the market for cheaper ‘workhorse’ frigates and corvettes...

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