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Tag: Northrop Grumman

Indian MoD’s BMS programme

The Connection Is Made

The proliferation of reconnaissance technology across the Asia-Pacific continues to advance at pace as armed forces operating on land, in the air and at...

Synthetic Forms

As the world’s militaries begin the shift to fifth-generation fighters, the need for advanced training capabilities is growing. While live training continues to form...
Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle

Rumble Down Under

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is one of the most well-trained and equipped militaries in the Indo-Pacific region. A steadfast ally of the United...
ship bridge simulation systems

Virtual Action Stations

Navies are increasingly turning to synthetic training technologies to prepare their personnel for the realities of combat. In addition to offering a less expensive...
Skeldar UAV

Broadening Horizons

The benefit of operating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the maritime domain has been known to navies in the Asia-Pacific region for some time....
MPA variants of the Q400 turboprop

The Huntsman Still Rules the Waves

Once again tension over disputed island and territories in the South China Sea is the focus for Asia-Pacific nations to re-evaluate their maritime surveillance...
Pakistan’s ZDK-03

Watching The Noisy Neighbours

It is always handy to know what your neighbour is up to, particularly if they are not friendly. So it is no surprise that...
Kawasaki P-1

Troubled Waters

Maritime surveillance is an important requirement for most countries with interests in the South China Sea. The ongoing geo-political situation in the region and...
The Indonesian armed forces

Indonesia Reposturing Military Strategy

In the Indonesian 2015 Defence White Paper outlining government strategic and spending priorities, which was approved by the country’s defence minister General (Ret.) Ryamizard...
CH-47D aircraft

Doing More With Less

Two key factors are driving the modernisation of Singapore’s armed forces: increasing regional security concerns and declining national birth rates. In this context, the...

Highlight of the Month

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