Tag: Electronic Warfare
Beyond Kinetic Protection
Defeating inbound threats to naval vessels is now too fast to be left to a man behind a gunsight. Threats must now be defeated...
The Thinking Person’s Ship
Aboard a warship, the job of the Combat Management System (CMS) is to gather, integrate and present information from the ship's own sensors and...
SATCOM on the move
Despite the proliferation of electronic warfare (EW) technology across the battlespace aimed at disrupting tactical and strategic communications of armed forces, satellite communications (SATCOM)...
Managing the Modern Battlespace: Communications in Contested RF Environments
It’s a known reality that the battlespace is already a congested (and noisy) communications environment with increasing demands for limited spectrum to connect Warfighters,...
The Signal and The Noise
The electromagnetic spectrum is a loud, chaotic place. Navies must use their Electronic Warfare (EW) equipment to listen carefully to tease out the signals...