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Tag: China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation

The Indonesian Offshore Patrol Vessel KN Pulau Dana

Building Regional Response to Chinese Naval Build-up

Individual nations around the South China Sea, while not being able to match China’s maritime strength, are trying to add to, and modernise, their...

Modernising The Philippines Armed Forces

Andrew Drwiega - The second five year plan in the ambitious 15 year Philippine armed forces modernisation strategy is moving beyond counter-insurgency and onto ‘big-ticket’...

Pakistan Navy modernises Submarine capabilities

Pakistan has an enduring interest in boosting its submarine fleet capabilities to keep pace with the Indian Navy, a desire that has been further...
‘Kamorta’ class corvette

Thousand Island Dressing

Traditional and non-traditional threats, as well as financial constraints, are pushing Asia Pacific navies to select increasingly modular designs for their corvettes. This is...

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