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Counter UAV: High Tech Flyswatters

JR Ng - The use of unmanned aerial systems to disrupt or attack military and civilian personal and locations is now and established threat to...

Bolt to the Blue

The story of land-based medium- to long-range Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM) in the Asia-Pacific is one of considerable contrasts. For example, the People’s Republic of...
‘Kamorta’ class corvette

Thousand Island Dressing

Traditional and non-traditional threats, as well as financial constraints, are pushing Asia Pacific navies to select increasingly modular designs for their corvettes. This is...
EL/M-2080 radar

It Came From Outer Space

Within the Asia-Pacific, land-based ballistic missiles have been developed, manufactured and fielded by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), India, the People’s Republic...

China promotes export of CM-302 Supersonic ASCM

According to Chinese news media reports, the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation(CASIC) CM-302 missile is being marketed for export as “the world's best...

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