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Pakistan’s Armed Forces

President Trump’s ‘Remarks on the Strategy in Afghanistan and South Asia’ of 21 August, 2017 were regarded unfavourably by Pakistan. The government, opposition politicians,...
Saab 340 aircraft

Doing more than it says on the Tin

Airborne Early Warning (AEW) aircraft can do much more than their acronym suggests. The increasing ability of these platforms to perform land and sea...

Thailand celebrates induction of T-50TH

The Royal Thai Air Force has completed the induction of its first four KAI T-50TH Golden Eagle supersonic trainers with 401 Squadron, based at...

When Neptune Gets Angry

Global trade depends on the safe navigation of the world’s seas, and navies have to contend with a range of rapidly-developing new threats. Modern...

David versus Goliath

The Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF), as part of that country’s armed forces, faces a nearly impossible primary mission on paper, to defend...

IAI promotes collaborations with startups

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has joined forces with Starburst, a global accelerator focused on Aerospace & Defense sectors. This innovative collaboration is expected to...
T-50 Golden Eagle

Role With It

Discussing the multi-role combat aircraft market in the Asia-Pacific region is a daunting exercise at the best of times, and one that has many...

Back in Business

Iran is coming in from the cold. The lifting of sanctions regarding that country’s clandestine nuclear weapons programme has implications for the Asia-Pacific as...
M-346 Master

Train As You Fight

The Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) concept can be traced back to the 1950s. Its emergence reflected broader trends in air power, including the increasing...

Thailand’s Spending Spree

by Andrew Drwiega and Dr. Lee Willet With the Thai government being controlled by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), in other words...

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