Leonardo Bullish about Indian Prospects
Leonardo is confident that it will remain able to do business in India, and is anticipating a new Indian defence procurement policy to be...
Italian Flare in the Asia-Pacific
During the Euronaval exhibition held in Paris this October, asianmilitaryreview.com sat down with Leonardo’s head of defence systems to discuss their latest projects in...
LRPF Force Multiplier
Getting greater firepower in the same package is one of the objectives of Raytheon’s Long Range Precision Firepower (LRPF) missile development, for which a...
Huron Moves Forward
At the Azerbaijan International Defence Industry Exhibition (ADEX 2016) this September AZCAN presented its latest Huron Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC), blending Canadian and Azerbaijani...
Feeling Hypersonic
The 2 November 2015 $31 million agreement between BAE Systems and Reaction Engines of the United Kingdom to develop the SABRE (Synthetic Air-Breathing Rocket...