Turkish Future Fighter Unveiled

Another first for Le Bourget was the unveiling of a full-scale mockup of Turkey’s future fighter, TFX. President and CEO of Turkish Aerospace Prof....

New Brazilian/Israeli AEW platform

Embraer Defense & Security and ELTA Systems signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement at Le Bourget to introduce the P600 Airborne Early Warning (AEW) aircraft....

Battlefield Taxis with Attitude

Light transport is utilised by friend and foe alike. Agility and utility combine, from transformed commercial vehicles to those designed for the military. The military...

IAI inks $50 million worth of follow-up agreement with India

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) announced it has entered this week agreement worth $50 million for provision of complementaryNaval MRSAM (Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missile) systems....

Saudi Arabian Military Industries & Paramount Group sign high-level collaboration agreement...

Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) and Paramount Group, the global aerospace and technology company, announced the signing of a high-level defence collaboration agreement, in...

Laser Warning System Deployment in Air Force to Account for over...

The demand for laser warning systems is on a linear trend with the imminent laser threat from economies such as North Korea, Russia, China,...

Unpicking the Electromagnetic Tapestry

Dr. Thomas Withington - The Latin phrase ‘scientia potentia est' (knowledge is power) encompasses the naval need to classify and process electromagnetic signatures in an area...

Singapore’s roadmap for Next Generation Force

JR Ng - Thinking ahead, Singapore’s Ministry of Defence already has plans for the modernisation of its armed forces by 2030. In a budget speech...

The art of UAS Operations

Andrew Drwiega - Unmanned aerial systems are increasingly capable of maritime as well as overland ISR, but whatever the mission first rate simulation training will...

Counter UAV: High Tech Flyswatters

JR Ng - The use of unmanned aerial systems to disrupt or attack military and civilian personal and locations is now and established threat to...

Highlight of the Month

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