From Ship To Shore
Getting from ship-to-shore from over-the-horizon ranges places a premium on speed. With this in mind, several companies are reimagining the conventional landing craft so...
Interpol WORLD 2017: Fostering Innovation for Future Security Challenges
INTERPOL World 2017, an event owned by INTERPOL, supported by Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau (SECB), and the World...
Fighting Talk
The Asia-Pacific has, in recent years, seen significant activity in the acquisition and fielding of new IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) as a consequence of...
Are You Going To Scarborough Shoal?
The ASEAN Chairmanship baton has been passed from the Democratic Republic of Laos to the Republic of the Philippines. This also happens to coincide...
Fueling Strength
Although Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) aircraft play an important role in force projection, they have a limited niche market that will only attract those...
Geography Lessons
Having Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) at your disposal is a valuable asset to any military, but existential threats in Asia-Pacific bring a new dimension to...
Carrier Diplomacy In the Korean Peninsula
As the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) continue their missile tests and the United States under President Donald Trump continue to pursue a...
Tanked Up
It is an often repeated adage that Main Battle Tanks (MBT) are unsuitable for operation in the jungles, mountains and paddies common in Asian-Pacific...
Frigate or Destroyer?
Budgetary and strategic factors are slowly dividing the Asia-Pacific region into navies that can afford destroyers, and those that cannot. This, in turn, is...
GE Outlines Asia-Pacific Marine Engine Developments
Worldwide General Electric (GE) has delivered over 1400 marine gas turbines servicing 35 navies on some 500 ship programmes.
According to George Awiszus, director...