‘Chang Bogo’ class SSK

The Silent Service

As tensions continue to escalate in the South and East China Seas, the submarine race continues unabated in the Asia-Pacific region, where navies are...
Lockheed Martin

The Thinking Person’s Ship

Aboard a warship, the job of the Combat Management System (CMS) is to gather, integrate and present information from the ship's own sensors and...

SATCOM on the move

Despite the proliferation of electronic warfare (EW) technology across the battlespace aimed at disrupting tactical and strategic communications of armed forces, satellite communications (SATCOM)...

“Engineers Up!”

For all the might of main battle tanks and other fighting vehicles, their progress can be stopped or slowed without the skills and specialist vehicles...
Revision Military

Sensors Working Overtime

Despite mixed operational success over recent years and in light of ongoing fiscal constraints, there remains a number of promising modern soldier upgrade programmes...
RSS Independence

Small Platforms Make A Big Difference

Freedom of navigation and ‘presence’ missions in response to territorial disputes with the Peoples Republic of China, fishery patrols and interdiction of migrants at...
T-50 Golden Eagle

Role With It

Discussing the multi-role combat aircraft market in the Asia-Pacific region is a daunting exercise at the best of times, and one that has many...

Back in Business

Iran is coming in from the cold. The lifting of sanctions regarding that country’s clandestine nuclear weapons programme has implications for the Asia-Pacific as...
M-346 Master

Train As You Fight

The Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) concept can be traced back to the 1950s. Its emergence reflected broader trends in air power, including the increasing...
Safran's JIM Compact observation and targeting device

Turning Night Into Daytime

As with anything that infantry is expected to carry, night vision device design must incorporate compromises balancing capability against the load they impose in...

Highlight of the Month

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