
Shielding Armour

Armour, while useful in attack, needs ways and means to stop it being taken out by the plethora or weapons in now faces. Asia possesses...
Second Thomas Shoal

China Puts Squeeze on Philippine Reefs in South China Sea

Second Thomas Shoal has emerged as a South China Sea flashpoint, as China smothers Philippine aspirations to protect its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). This...
RSAF F-16D combat aircraft

Careful Modernisation

The Singapore Air Force is carefully modernising its complete fleet through a range of high-end current generation aircraft through to the latest upgrades for...
Naval Group - SETIS

CMS: More Inputs, Quicker Solutions

At the heart of any significant warship is the combat management system. Integration with other CMS is one of the directions that today’s developers...
Saab soldier system

Camouflage and Concealment

The art of camouflage is turning into a science in this technology rich world. The ongoing war in Ukraine continues to provide the North Atlantic...
Sukhoi SU-35 aircraft

The PRC’s Corruption Conundrum

President Xi made a promise to rid China of corrupt politicians and military leaders. Defence acquisitions have been examined in detail with irregularities found....

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