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Stephen W. Miller

A former US Marine ground combat and aviation officer instrumental in the adoption of wheeled armoured vehicles and manoeuvre warfare. He has extensive hands-on experience in development, acquisition, fielding, support and employment leading land, naval, and air programmes in the US and twenty-four other countries. [email protected]

DTI Delivers Black Widow Spider 8×8 to Royal Thai Army for...

Thailand’s Defence Technology Institute (DTI) has delivered in early Jul a DTI Black Widow Spider 8×8 (BWS 8×8) Wheeled Armoured Combat Vehicle to the Royal Thai...

Foot Slogger Firepower

A review of some of the latest firepower becoming available to riflemen and those firing automatic weapons in today’s infantry. Weapons of the combat infantry...

Knowledge is a fine thing

Giving every soldier the ability to send and receive voice and data communications can be done, but will add to or decrease capability in...

Raining Lead

Still master of the battlefield for well over a century, no infantry formation today would wish go into a conflict without the latest machine...

Battlefield Taxis with Attitude

Light transport is utilised by friend and foe alike. Agility and utility combine, from transformed commercial vehicles to those designed for the military. The military...

IFV Armament Evolution

Stephen W. Miller - The concept of armoured vehicle use by infantry has evolved as has the size and purpose of its armament. Not...

ROK Mobile Air Defence for Indian Army

Stephen W. Miller - The army of the Republic of Korea (ROK) has paid attention to building its ground air defence capabilities particularly for...

The MRAP Story: Learning from History

The sudden and widespread use by insurgents of IEDs in Iraq caught regular forces off-guard, and triggered the urgent need to look back at...
General Dynamics Light Armoured Vehicle

Combat Vehicle Modernisation

The desire to retain and operate a selection of armoured combat vehicles in Asia Pacific is encouraging local industry to get ‘in on the...

Fast Attack: Still a Threat in the Littoral

Small, swift missile-bearing attack craft can do great damage at range if allowed to do so. Fast craft have received a great deal of attention...

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