Andrew White
Special Force Stealth Attack From the Sea
Special force small team attack craft either surface or subsurface have gained importance in light of their potential for littoral raids.
Special Forces (SF) operations...
Strength in Numbers a Counter to Terrorism
Multi-lateral cooperation keep strong as regional terrorism persists.
As the war in Ukraine rolls into its third year, strategic competition across the vast maritime expanses...
USSOCOM Pursues New Insertion Techniques
Moving onto the objective for SOF often takes methods that are ‘out of the ordinary’. USSOCOM has been discussing new alternatives.
At the inaugural Special...
Camouflage and Concealment
The art of camouflage is turning into a science in this technology rich world.
The ongoing war in Ukraine continues to provide the North Atlantic...
Ensuring Global Connectivity for Special Forces
Overcoming the challenge of disrupted communications for special forces operating in contested environments.
On 1 September, the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) published its ‘UK...
SOCPAC Keen to Share Joint Doctrine and Training
The return of Great Power competition means that US SOCPAC is more than ever seeking joint training opportunities with regional special forces.
Special Operations Forces...
All Seeing, All Knowing
Extensive research is being undertaken by the U.S. Department of Defense to turn the desire for All Joint Domain Command and Control (JADC2) into...
COVID Setback for SOF Training
Published in the November/December 2020 Issue - Special operations training programmes across the Indo-Pacific region have been significantly hampered by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
SOF challenges as great power rivalry builds
Published in the September/October 2020 Issue - As Superpower competition expands in Asia, regional special forces are looking to re-equip to meet sub-threshold threats.
Maritime fobs for Seaborne SOF
Published in the July/August 2020 Issue - Across Asia Pacific, special operations forces (SOF) are receiving upgrades in maritime capability to support emerging mission...