Guest-of-Honour Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies Mr Heng Swee Keat and Chairman of Experia Mr Ravinder Singh at the official opening ceremony of Singapore Airshow 2024, held at the Sands Grand Ballroom on 19 February 2024.
Taking place from 20-25 February, Singapore Airshow is set to return to a full-scale edition post-COVID, with over 1,000 participating companies from more than 50 countries.
90% of the top 20 global aviation companies will be in attendance, alongside 16 country pavilions of which China, the Czech Republic and Korea are first-time country pavilions.
In this edition, the Airshow will revolve around its twin tenets of sustainability and innovation, which will be facilitated by its richly curated AeroForum and What’s Next@Airshow platforms.
Guest-of-Honour Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies Mr Heng Swee Keat delivered the opening address at the official opening ceremony of Singapore Airshow 2024.Chairman of Experia Mr Ravinder Singh delivering the welcome remarks at the official opening ceremony of Singapore Airshow 2024.