SaphyRAD MS – Multiprobe Survey meter

The SaphyRAD MS is a multiprobe survey meter designed for operation on military fields or by hazmat teams. Its monitor has been specifically conceived for use with CBRN protective clothing. Its ruggedized housing and its ergonomic interface with a wide and bright LCD display makes it ideal for day and night operations in harsh environmental conditions, even by non-radiation specialists.

Very versatile, the SaphyRAD MS can be used for radiation exposure monitoring (dose and dose rate), as well as for radiation contamination detection. Its comprehensive range of probes allow the user to detect and measure alpha, beta, gamma and X-Ray radiations. The SaphyRAD MS also includes an embedded simulation tool for training without radioactive sources.

Bertin has developed the new multiprobe military survey meter under a contract awarded by the French Defense Procurement Agency. This latest generation portable monitor is designed to detect and measure radioactivity in harsh environment. Its wide range of innovative probes covers the needs of all Army corps and emergency teams, including HAZMAT.

The robust design of the SaphyRAD MS has been specially thought out for use with CBRN protection equipment. Its ergonomic interface allows fast use even by non-specialists to measure radioactivity. With the development of this new military radiation meter, Bertin has improved its existing CBRN threat detection and identification range, providing complete systems to the Armed Forces and civil security agencies (rapid response teams, public health and emergency services).

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