This is the July/August 2020 issue of Asian Military Review. This is not the latest issue.
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Editorial Topics:

  • Japan’s Sigint Challenge: With growing threats all around, the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force needs to bolster its electronic warfare capabilities. Dr. Thomas Withington reports.
  • Arise Maritime Unmanned VTOL: There has been a quickening in the development and adoption of unmanned rotorcraft for naval forces as Andrew Drwiega explains.
  • Making the Shell Fit the Job: Christopher Foss details some of the complexities designed into ammunition for 105mm and 155mm artillery.
  • ARH – Stick or Twist: Andrew Drwiega looks at whether Airbus has done enough to gain a reprieve for its ARH Tiger fleet or will the ADF feel that enough really isn’t enough.
  • Looks Really Can Kill!: Jon Lake examines the development of high tech combat helmets for today’s front line pilots.
  • Shipbuilding Underway Down Under: Warship building in Australia is now a headline commitment, reports Tim Fish.
  • A Matter of Status: Asian naval shipbuilding is meeting the trends of regional requirements. Tim Fish explains.
  • Fighting Back Against UAS: Just as UAS has risen in importance for the military, so has the need for bringing them back down to earth, as Stephen W. Miller finds out.
  • Maritime Fobs For Seaborne SOF: Maritime deployment for SOF requires a new look at what they will need as Great Power competition makes a comeback, says Andrew White.
  • South Korea Skills Base Broadens: JR Ng reviews South Korea’s investment in keeping its forces current and in line with the threat from the North.
  • Analysts Column: Ben Ho looks at historical examples of why the security of air bases needs to be regularly reviewed.
Issue of July/August 2020 (6435 downloads)
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