This is the March/April 2019 issue of Asian Military Review. This is not the latest issue.
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Editorial Topics:
  • Sea Power: Unpicking the Electromagnetic Tapestry: Dr. Tom Withington examines the use of electronic support systems in a maritime context.
  • Land Warfare: IFV Armament Evolution: Stephen W. Miller explains the growth of the main armament on infantry fighting vehicles.
  • Air Power: The Art of Watching from Afar: Andrew Drwiega looks at new capabilities in unmanned aerial surveillance, and how nations can establish their own training regime.
  • AMR: Air Forces Directory: Part II: The second part of Alan Warnes’ review of Air Forces within Asia-Pacific. 
  • Air Power: Competitive Advantage: The Royal Australian Navy regards well trained personnel as key to winning the next fight as Dr. Lee Willett reports.
  • Air Power: China’s Next generation Unmanned Assassins: JR Ng reviews the progress that China has made with deep penetration unmanned aerial vehicles.
  • Regional: Malaysia’s Defence Doldrums: Dzirhan Mahadzir details the prospects of defence acquisition in Malaysia after the impending Defence White Paper.
Issue of March/April 2019 (5341 downloads)
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