BOFORS Test Center
Hell for your product. Heaven for your investment.
Bofors Test Center has defeated the impossible since 1886. With our advanced test equipment and complete laboratories we can test everything from components to complete weapon systems. At our extensive proving ground in Sweden we perform tests for both defence materiel manufacturers and civilian companies from all over the world. Welcome to Hell.
To defeat the impossible.
Since 1886 we have been defeating the impossible to find out the absolute truth about weapon systems. True dedication, the latest equipment and a perfect infrastructure for the job has put Bofors Test Center at the utmost front of the business of finding out the truth. Every time.
Read more about our dedication:
Learn what our customers found out:
Study our long history:
GBAD in Asia-Pacific
Royal Thai Army unveils upgraded L70 AA gun
Smart Munitions Increase Market Share
Fast Attack: Still a Threat in the Littoral
Big Punch Weapons for troops in contact
Your every need. Heaven or Hell.
At BOFORS Test Center we can fulfill your every need with a wide variety of services and facilities.
Since 1886, we have been taking ordnance to the very edge to find out exactly where its limits lie – and each time we have documented the process down to the last detail. Because what’s Hell for your product is Heaven for your investment.
Bofors Test Center
Bofors Skjutfält 201
691 52 Karlskoga
Phone: +46 586 840 01