LCAC-100 Hovers Closer


Textron’s marine and land systems division plans to deliver the first of five LCAC-100 hovercraft to the United States Navy (USN) by the end of this year, the company has told

In a written statement, the firm confirmed that the first craft is completing final outfitting, and will commence testing later this year. The statement continued that the second craft will then be delivered three months after the first. The LCAC-100 is expected to be declared operational with the USN following the force’s post delivery test and trials, and initial operational test and evaluation. The company continued that it expects the first nine LCAC-100 examples, from a total anticipated USN order size of 73 craft, to be delivered by 2020.

In USN service, the LCAC-100 will replace the force’s current Textron LCAC fleet, which has been in service since 1986, and of which 91 examples have been constructed; six of which are in service with the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force. The USN operates 74 examples distributed across its Assault Craft Units 4 and 5.

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Defence commentator, journalist, military historian.